donderdag 5 november 2009

05/11/2009 Necrons vs Space Marines (Philippe)

Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Dawn of War

We set up our objectives in opposite corners of the board, both in a ruined building. My opponent got to deploy first. He placed a unit of his space marine troops in the ruins holding his objective and a scout unit in a piece of wood terrain near the middle of the battlefield, blocking my deployment in cover of the ruins where my objective was set up.

Round 1: I failed to seize the initiative. My opponent put the rest of his units on the table: another space marine troops unit in a rhino, a landraider crusader with his HQ chaplain in terminator armor and five more terminators, two landspeeders in a squadron, a dreadnought and a hellfire canon. He placed the hellfire canon in the building holding his objective and spaced the rest of his units over his side of the battlefield. He used a searchlight and pulled of some shots on my largest necron warriors unit, but only got to disable one model.
On my turn the necron warrior got back up. I moved in the rest of my army: two heavy destroyers, a scarab swarm unit, two units of wraiths, a small unit of immortals and a destroyer lord. I turboboosted my scarab swarm forward. Most of my units ran in the shooting phase to reach cover or advance as much as possible. My largest unit of warriors used the lightsource of the landraider to return fire but failed to penetrate. My heavy destroyers shot at his landraider but cover saved it from exploding.

Round 2: My opponent advanced his landspeeders and his dreadnought. He moved his rhino towards cover and then disembarked his unit behind a low wall. He did the same with his landraider and disembarked them between both his units of space marines. This time his shots scattered less and he took out a heavy destroyer, a scarab swarm and a bunch of necron warriors. I rolled my morale test for losing more than 25% in one phase and succeeded.
On my turn all but two of the downed warriors got back up but the heavy destroyers failed to restore itself. My other unit of warriors finally reached the building to hold their objective. My wraiths and destroyer lord ignored the nearby snipers and turboboosted towards my opponents flank. My immortals advanced forward seeking cover. I turboboosted my scarab swarm just in front of his terminator squad. I believe I killed my first space marine when my warriors rained fire upon them. My other unit shot at least one sniper down.

Round 3: My opponent moved his landspeeders and dreadnought so they had clear line of sight against my advancing wraiths. He tried once more to kill off my largest warriors unit but failed to shoot them all down. He rained fire upon my wraiths and necron lord but failed to destroy all the wraiths. My lord got one wound. My opponnent shot at my swarm bases and then assaulted them with his terminators. That fight was over before it began. I failed my morale check and ran away with my largest warriors unit including my lord on foot.
I resurrected most of my warriors although I lost some because they were no longer in range due to my models running off. I started that unit with 14 models, my opponent now has killed about 20 of them and I still have 8 left. Necron's Rule! I succeeded my next morale test and the warriors regrouped. My immortals advanced some more. My wraiths and destroyer lord moved within assault range of his land speeders and dreadnought. My heavy destroyer moved closer towards the building holding his objective. During the shooting phase I killed off a few more snipers (my opponent forgot to shoot with them on his turn). I then assaulted his dreadnought with both units of wraiths. The walker got destroyed and blew up, taking a nearby space marine and a wraith with him. My destroyer lord boldly charged the speeders and destroyed them both!

Round 4: My opponent now turned his attention to my wraiths. He moved his terminators and his landraider close to my wraiths. He killed off a few with shooting but couldn't wipe them out. He also shot down my remaining heavy destroyer and killed the first immortal. His terminators then assaulted my wraiths. Unfortunately they had only a narrow path between his rhino, his landraider and the wreck of the dreadnought so he could only strike with 3 models. Due to high initiative, my wraiths got to strike first but they could not penetrate their 2+ armor save. I lost the combat but succeeded my morale test.
On my turn most of the wraiths and the immortal got back up. I then teleported my lord on foot and the remaining warriors towards the building holding his objective using my veil of darkness. I scattered only a few inches and was still within rapid fire range. My shots killed a few marines forcing him to take a morale test. I also killed the second-last of his snipers forcing another morale test. He succeeded both. My wraiths killed one terminator but lost the battle. I succeeded the morale test again.

We had to stop the game here as the shop was closing. Since neither was contesting the other's objective this was a draw. If it had been kill points, I would have lost (2 vs 4).

Necron battles so far ...

Having recently started playing Necrons in 40K, I now have several games behind me.

1st battle : 500 points vs Daemons (objectives / dawn of war).
Got slaughtered and phased out. Necrons are not good at low point battles.

2nd battle : 1500 points vs Tyranids (kill points / dawn of war).
We totally messed up the Dawn of War rules. If I am not mistaken we ran out of time to finish the game but my opponent had a serious lead in kill points already.

3rd battle : 1500 points vs Imperial Guard (Kill points / dawn of war).
This time dawn of war was played correctly. I got to go first. I placed my troops as far up front as possible, blocking my opponent from deploying in cover for 2/3 of the battlefield. He could either deploy in cover in the other corner or leave his troops without cover. He choose the first. I turboboosted my wraiths and destroyer lord boldly forward, used my veil of darkness to deep strike my largest unit of necron warriors in the vicinity of his troops and blasted them for all I was worth. One of my heavy destroyers took out one of his tanks but was killed soon after. I deep striked my scarab swarms and they drew most of his other tanks' fire for at least one round. We ran out of time to finish the game but at that moment, and my opponent had more kill points than I did ...


Welcome on my 40K blog! I will be adding battlereports after playing a game when possible. Reactions, tips and constructive criticism are appreciated!